Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Will you go the Extra Mile?

New podcast!

I’ve been studying the Sermon on the Mount in Bible study. It’s so good. I mean, JESUS is talking and he’s laying it down.

We learned the commandments, right? And now here is Jesus saying, “You’ve heard it said…but I say….”. He’s inviting us to go deeper and look at the motivations of our hearts. He’s asking us to not just worry about our outside actions but our internal attitudes.

I love it when something we say all the time like, “Go the extra mile” is something Jesus said. What does it mean to you?

Where in your life are you just getting by, just doing the minimum? Think about your relationships. Is there room for you to offer more?

Jen Wilkin wrote the study we are doing and she calls it the “Ministry of more than half way”, meaning, do more than the minimum. Over deliver.

Listen in and let me know what you think!

Keep Saying YES!
