You create your own reality.
I tell my kids this. I tell myself this. I believe this.
John Milton said, “The mind can make a heaven out of hell or a hell out of heaven”
We hear stories of people in prison reading and learning and growing and loving and changing.
We know people in our own lives who are stuck in the prisons of their own minds.
It’s not what’s outside of you that determines who you are. It’s what’s inside of you. It’s your soul, your essence, your core self. This never changes. The true you is from God, created out of love and full of light. If you know your soul, if you are intimate with your truest self, if you recognize the spirit in you, you are not frightened by the possibility of change in the outside world.
Sometimes I have to remind myself. I have to remember that what’s going on “out there” which is often anger, resentment, fear and bad decision making…does not determine my life. It may determine my circumstances for a period of time but it does not change my soul.
Melissa Etheridge has a great song called, “I run for life”. I listen to it when I’m running and it never fails to give me chills and make me teary. It’s about breast cancer. She says, “They cut into my skin, and they cut into my body but they will never get a piece of my soul.” There’s power in owning your true self. Then, even sickness cannot get you.
See, that’s the thing. You control who gets your soul. If you give it to God, abundance and truth grow. My friend has a saying, “I’m not available to carry your resentment.” (Fill in the blank…I’m not available to carry your anger, your sadness, your victimization, your self-pity, etc.) You control the true you. The true you is untouchable by the world.
God holds your soul and He is not changed by who is in the white house or what country you live in or how much money you have. Your truth is love and light and peace. Embrace who you are.
When your mind starts confusing your heaven with hell, tell it to stop. Tell it to back down and be quiet because your soul is stronger and brighter and more alive. Be vigilant. Pray. Remember who you really are.