Amazing Grace

God is everywhere. He is in a sunset, a baby’s laugh, a cup of coffee with a friend, a kiss from your 1st grader, a hug from your husband or wife.  He’s in church, He’s on the beach, He’s with you walking the dog, He’s at work.  You may feel His presence or you may not.  Just because you don’t know He’s there or you don’t believe He’s there, doesn’t change the fact that He is there.

I went to a conference once and I heard a woman talk about God.  She said she found a lump and went in for a biopsy and then had to wait for the doctor to call her to tell her if she had cancer.  She said she kept telling herself, “Whether you get the news you hope for or the news you dread, God’s grace is the same.”  Then she repeated that same quote about three more times.  This was about 10 years ago and I have never forgotten it.

She said it with such conviction.  You could have heard a pin drop in the large arena filled with thousands of people.  I imagine everyone else was doing what I was doing… wondering if they could really believe those words if they were waiting for that same phone call.

I’ve thought of these words of wisdom many times since then.  I’ve thought of them when I’ve gotten bad news.  I’ve thought of them when I’ve been waiting for the phone to ring.  I’ve thought of them when my friends have gotten bad news.  I’ve thought of them when people I love have died.  What I now realize is that even when I have changed, God has not.

And now I believe…

On a good and sunny day, when all is well with the ones you love, God’s grace is the same.

When there is uncertainty in life, God’s grace is the same.

When all of your kids are safe and happy and healthy, God’s grace is the same.

When the world is literally turned upside down and the fear is debilitating, God’s grace is the same.

When there’s good news of a new baby, a graduation, a promotion, God’s grace is the same.

When the night is dark and your heart is heavy with worry and doubt, God’s grace is the same.

When I’ve made a mistake and I need to be forgiven, God’s grace is the same.

When someone I love has died, God’s grace is the same.

Whether you get the news you hoped for, or the news you dread, God’s grace is the same.

Amazing Grace (Click on link to hear Amazing Grace)

Author: Sue

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  • Darling Sue,
    God wrote this page of truths through you, to share with others.
    God’s grace is always there and unchanging.
    My heart rejoices in your faith.

  • Sue,
    You know how to touch hearts with your words. I appreciate that more than you will ever know. The last two days I have been asked how I have been able to handle some of the challenges of the last few months. My answer was simple, my faith. I do believe God’s healing grace is present for us all in moments of joy and moments of challenge. In every moment of our life. He is embracing us, guiding us and supporting us even we don’t even take the time to acknowledge him. How wonderful is that! I am so glad He is willing to take care of us all. Thank you for GREAT BIG YES!

  • There was a year that everything that could go wrong seemed to be happening all at once…The death of Colin’s Mom…..The house we had just bought burned down{2 weeks before the closing so I realize it could have been worse}….I was a newlywed and we had moved, been employed and suddenly unemployed….I cried everyday sometimes three times a day {I was pregnant so maybe that increased my sensitivity to just about everything…} but my friend who is a priest always said “pray for grace” ……Well, she came nine months later but I know that’s not what he meant. Wikipedia says : The divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life…..I don’t know how to communicate that any better than you have Sue except for my own little andy story. And if you’ve ever purchased philosophy grace products… the packaging. It is my mantra. “How you climb up the mountain is just as important as how you climb down the mountain. It’s how you accept winning and losing, good luck and bad luck, the darkness and the light.
    Pray for grace. Thanks Sue. I feel grateful for GREAT BIG YES!