Day 13

whole 30 day 13


Okay…so I’m trying something new. If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you know this already. It’s called Whole30.  I am eating whole foods for 30 days. No processed food, no alcohol, no added sugar and no scale. And also no legumes.

You may be thinking, Wait…I thought you were not going to “diet”.  You are right. I am not. I ran this through my “Check my heart with God” lens and also my “does it feel icky and restricting” lens and “am I paying exorbitant amounts of money” lens and I decided it was a go.  It’s fits my life and what I’m trying to do.  It’s about health and wellness and real food.  There is no magic potion, no tracking, it is not a “get skinnier than your friends in 7 days” kind of deal.  It’s just me and the real food. It is challenging my attachments to food and my unhealthy fear of fats and my mixed up ways of thinking about what is “good for me”.  Turns out all the stuff that is real is good for me.  So…here’s what we’ve got. Me. Real food. 30 days. Here’s my story.

It’s Day 13 of the Whole 30 and I feel amazing! Honestly, I want to take pictures of all my food because I’m getting into making a pretty plate.  You know, all the colors and textures…I could share them on Instagram.  But you would be bored and unfollow me and honestly, all my meals aren’t cute. However, they are keeping me full which is keeping me from snacking which is awesome.

Things I’ve learned so far:

I’m addicted to the scale. It’s dumb and I’m sorry but it’s true. I’m getting with the Lord on that. He tells me He loves me regardless of the number.  My husband says the same thing too.  Which makes me feel happy and loved but still wanting to jump on the scale.  What the heck?

I learned a new term…  “Non Scale Victories”.  Here are some of mine so far:

I am in the kitchen more often and there is always food in the house. Progress.

I’ve learned that I like kale and squash and zucchini and all the things that I’ve never tried before.  Also, beets are messy.

I like a non-stick pan better than a shiny new sticky pan. I know it’s bad for me but honestly,  I’m cutting out all sugar, do I need to cut out non-stick pans too?

I’m sick of eggs. I love that they are a POWERHOUSE food but Every. single. day. is. a. lot.

It’s okay to eat a hamburger for breakfast and eggs for dinner.

When you don’t eat sugar, you no longer crave sugar.

Black coffee is good.  Also, you can drink it in bed and sing the song.

I don’t miss peanut butter. Except now that I typed it. Now I miss it.

I actually feel like working out. Really. Except when I’m on the couch watching, “Gilmore Girls” on Netflix. Then, I just feel like moving to Stars Hollow.

Reading labels isn’t hard. If it has a lot of (more than 5)  ingredients and you can’t pronounce the names, it’s not healthy. Put it back on the shelf.

Bottom line:  I feel better. The bloat is gone. Tiredness is gone. No longer need my caffeine mid day. I have a clear head.  I’m less moody. I’m sleeping well.

I feel freedom in the food arena now because I know if it’s real, I eat it.  If it’s fake, I don’t.

It’s simple.

I could eat like this forever. Really.

For sure for like 17 more days.

©2015 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big Yes™, All Rights Reserved




Author: Sue

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