Do you know Tebow?

Tim Tebow.

I have to say, I’m intrigued.  I guess you could say I’m jazzed.  I love football and as you know, I’m all about praying and throwing a Bible verse or two out there.  Add a cute guy with a cool story and a lot of wins and some controversy and I’m hooked. 

I’m really rooting for this guy.

Now I know some people are saying he’s not good enough to be a quarterback in the NFL. 

Other people are annoyed with his praying and kneeling and preaching and thanking and evangelizing. 

Not me.

I say bring it.

If you don’t know Tim Tebow, here’s the deal.  He’s the quarterback for the Denver Broncos.  In college, he played for Florida.  I could post stats here but I don’t want to focus on football (although he’s doing really well).  I want to focus on the fact that he’s unabashedly Christian and he’s really into spreading the message of Jesus Christ.

In college, he wrote Bible verses in the black under his eyes.  This is no longer allowed.  (They call this rule the “Tebow rule”.)

After he wrote “John 3:16” under his eyes, 92 million people searched Google during or shortly after the game to find out what that verse says. 

For those of you who are not familiar with what this verse says, here it is:

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” 

Ninety two million people read those words because of Tim Tebow.

I believe those words are life changing, life-saving, hope giving, joy filled words of love.  Because of those words and the truth they tell, I personally know redemption and forgiveness and acceptance and peace.  

If you are wondering about the message of Christianity and you are not sure where to begin, John 3:16 is a good place to start. 

Maybe you are uncomfortable reading this.  Maybe you are not a Christian.  Maybe you’ve been completely turned off by the idea of a football player thinking he’s a preacher.  Maybe you’ve heard one too many Grammy acceptance speeches by rappers thanking Jesus and then turning around and abusing women.  Maybe you are sick of the hypocrisy.  I get it.  I understand the cynicism.  I share some of the same concerns. 

That’s why I’m really rooting for Tebow.  He’s a human being of course and not perfect so I’ll resist the temptation to put him up on a pedestal.  However, I believe he is committed to living a life of faith.  I admire the way he is embracing his unique role in this world and his ability to make a difference. 

Think about it.  Is there anything that you believe in so strongly that you are willing to write it on your face? 

None of us know what will happen with Tim Tebow’s football career.  I hope he continues to win but it doesn’t really matter in the end.  His story is one of faith.  And in that arena, he has already won. 

©2011 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big Yes™ All Rights Reserved

Author: Sue

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  • Love it !!! What I can see is this… He does not get down when people talk poorly about his play or his actions. He simply does not care. What does he care about? He is blessed with Jesus in his heart and that is truly all that matters. He will always win in his mind and heart and love it!