
I love enthusiastic people!

I went to a spin class yesterday and the teacher was so nice and encouraging and enthusiastic!  I was DYING – sweating, panting, drinking unbelievable amounts of water  and every time I looked up, she was smiling and giving me the thumbs up.  She would say, “Sue, you are doing great!” or give me a “woo-hoo” just when I needed it.  She made it fun and made me feel welcome and accepted. 

This may seem like a silly story but it really is profound.  She made a HUGE difference to me and how I experienced that class.  To be welcomed by someone with enthusiasm and joy sets the tone for the experience.  This is not only true in an exercise class but anywhere. 

When someone comes at you smiling and accepting, you smile and immediately open up to the experience.  On the other hand, when someone comes into the room frowning and stressed and doesn’t acknowledge you, the energy in the room is immediately zapped and that experience will be negative. 

I don’t like it when someone is continually rude or short or frowning all the time and then another person says, “Well, you’ve got to get to know them”.  At that point, I know enough thank you. 

Now, we all have bad days but really, we should be able to get it together to greet someone.  Remember when we learned, “You never get another chance to make a first impression.”  That is the truth.  Come out of the gate with light and hope and joy and enthusiasm.  Not only will it change the experience of the person you are with but it will change your experience.  Your energy will change.  People will react differently to you. 

You get what you give.  Give smiles.  Give enthusiasm.  Give encouragement.  Give love.  Give hope.  What you get will be all of those things and more. 

Many of you attended the Great Big Yes event in April.  It was a beautiful, spiritual experience.  Yoga that night was led by Ellie Taylor and Christy Hermann.  They teach yoga from a Christian Perspective. 

They are examples of what I’m talking about here.  They are welcoming and kind and encouraging and accepting.  When you experience their class, you just feel better all around.  Inside and out. 

I’m very excited to start something new on the blog this month!  I am going to have guest writers post an entry about their faith experiences, their personal journeys and where in their lives they are saying “YES!” While reading their stories, I’m certain that we will grow and recognize how interconnected we all are.  My hope is that we will gain new insights and open our hearts to new experiences so we can grow together.

My first guest writer is Ellie Taylor.  As mentioned before, she is one of the yoga teachers from the Great Big Yes event.  I would love for you to read what she has to say about yoga and Christianity. 

There will be a separate page on the blog called “Voices” where the guest writer articles will appear.  Under the header, on the menu, just click on “Voices” and enjoy!  Click it now to read Ellie’s entry titled “A Prayer Written in the Language of your Body”!

Author: Sue

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  • I read this and thought about it all day. Thank you for that wonderful reminder to always bring a smile and to everything we do. I appreciate these weekly messages and they always seem to be speaking directly to me.

  • Good intention to start each day with! Jill Bolte Taylor, a brain scientist who while recovering from a debilitating stroke had a sign made for her hospital room that said, “Be responsible for the Energy you bring into this room.” She is the author of the book, My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey, in which she explains how aware she became of other people’s energy when the left side of her brain shut down and only the right side continued to function.

  • Great! Loved it…thank’s for reminding me how important it is to give off good vibes, and that all’s it takes is a smile.

  • Thank YOU for always being welcoming, smiling, encouraging and always sharing His Spirit to all those you meet.