The Finish Line

Hi y’all…I want to share everything with you but obviously that is not possible and you would not want to know it all…like the fact that the air conditioning is out in our corporate rental apartment…did I mention it’s HOT in Texas?

But I see God’s hand everywhere. I mean, the other day I was trying to explain to a Dad I met that we feel welcome here, that everyone is friendly and helpful and he said, “Yeah, you know, we are all just trying to help each other over the finish line…”

Well then.  Amen!


Praise God! Because I feel like I’m nowhere near the finish line.  I feel like the one who is running around looking around trying to figure out what lane she is in and if she has the right shoes on.

This is beginner Texas people.  I mean…Texas 101.

In a meeting at school today the people all looked so kind and they were helpful and friendly but they had to explain a lot to me.  They said, “Well, in Texas…things are a little different…” many times.  There are new terms and new rules.  I’m learning my way around schools, and town and I still can’t find the Nordstrom that they swear is here.  But even in my lost-ness, I feel found.  Even in my having no permanent residence…I feel home.

I tried to explain this to my friend…that people are different here and she said maybe that’s true but maybe you are different there.

God shows you who you are when you have to go.  He shows you what you need when you get a suitcase and a carry on.  He shows you what’s important when there is too much to do so you can’t do it all and you must choose.  He shows you who HE is when you admit you need Him.

Oh how I’ve hidden behind my things. My comfort. My pride. My accomplishments. My knowing.  How comfortable I have been in my safe, beautiful home knowing my neighbors and feeling so connected.  I worked hard to build up that kind of comfort, that rooted-ness, that stability.  I have put my trust in things and people and the world. Oh how complacent I had become.  How unaware.  How jaded. How blind.

I enter this new adventure with eyes wide open.  To who I am, who I have been…who I want to be.

This move coincides with the beginning of my Holy Yoga Master’s Training.  In our first session, we learned that we can’t know who we are until we know WHOSE we are.


I am God’s.  His daughter. His beloved. Chosen. Protected. Enough. I am His. He will provide for me.

He gives moments of encouragement from others.  I was in the parking lot of the high school belly laughing with another mom this morning whom I had not ever laid eyes on before today.  I call that a candy kiss from God.

I met one woman early on and I love her!  I keep running into her. Like last night at a school meeting where God must have known I’d like a friendly face to sit with…there she was.

He says…follow me and I will lead you.  When I think of that now,  I don’t picture the disciples leaving their fishing nets.  I picture my family. On the plane to Texas.  With our suitcases and carry ons.  And our prayers.  Our trust.  Our belief.


It’s true sometimes when you are most lost is when God is closest to you.

When you are untethered to worldly possessions, you Hold on tight to Him. He is steady.

Protecting. Providing. Placing kind people in your path.

Preparing you for the day when He will carry you over that finish line.

©2014 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big Yes™, All Rights Reserved 

Author: Sue

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  • Sue ,
    Thanks so much for this as always. I have been having some difficulty letting go and trusting with the changes and the new path I am on and you constantly gently remind me (and sometimes pointedly