
Something really wonderful came out of a post I wrote (Breaking Bread together).  A friend from home commented about her dad and my dad and their ability to have opposing political views and still be friends.  This took me back. 

If you read my blog regularly, you know my Dad passed away 13 years ago.  You also know that I’m certain he “hung the moon” and I miss him greatly. 

Reading her comment made me realize that he not only positively affected me and my family, but he affected others around him.  Her dad did too.  We all do. 

Of course I know this, but to have it come so fully to realization in my heart and mind stopped me in my tracks.  

His life mattered.  

All of our lives matter.

How are we showing up?

Are my kid’s friends watching me and learning from me?  Of course they are.  We all learn from each other.

How am I interacting with the kids (and adults) around me?

If I say I’m a spiritual person, how does that manifest in my life?

If I say I’m a Christian, people may be watching me to see what that means.   I’m sure you’ve read the quote, “You may be the only Bible someone ever reads”. 

This can be seen as really scary or as an incredible honor.  I see it as both.  I have to admit, I don’t want to be the defining person for any religion or any political point of view.  We are all so complicated it’s a heavy burden to be held up as a poster child for Christianity or for anything really. 

Just the word Christianity means different things to different people.  Some people hear Christian and they think of judgment and fear and rules and punishment and shame and guilt.  Others hear Christian and they think of hope and love and joy and forgiveness and healing and peace.  I’m in the latter camp so of course, I hope those are the vibes I’m sending out. 

My mom had a needlepoint (that she made!) hanging in our house that said: 

I shall pass this way but once
Therefore, any good that I can do or any kindness I can show
Let me do it now for I shall not pass this way again. 


If we show kindness, people watch us and they see that kindness is possible.  

I hope and pray that one day my kids will be talking to their childhood friends about their good memories.  They may start with,  “Remember that time when your mom and my mom…”

We still have time to fill in that blank. 

Our lives matter. 

©2011 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big Yes™ All Rights Reserved
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Author: Sue

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  • Any chance you are reading or have read Max Lucado’s “Fearless” book? The chapter my share group did last week was on exactly that topic. That is when I feel the holy spirit talking. I find I really look forward to your posts, Sue. It makes me wish we lived closer. Great job!!

  • As always- you are a great way to start my day and a reminder
    Of all the things that matter! I love your mom’s needlepoint pillow
    Quote and might Have to borrow that for a painting.
    A great big thanks! Xo, holly