Oh my gosh…that’s hilarious.

You know what bugs me?

When you are with people and you say something really funny and someone says with a very serious, pursed lips, church lady voice…”Oh my gosh…that is hilarious.”

If it was hilarious, you wouldn’t say it was hilarious, you would just laugh.  Actually, hilarity calls for doubled over, can’t breathe, snot through the nose, snorting.

Now I realize it’s tough to get to that level of humor and I don’t fancy myself that funny but a can I get a chuckle?

I think some people are afraid to laugh.

No really.

Some are afraid because they think they might pee their pants. This is a very real concern after 40. I mean, it’s funny in junior high when you are stuck in corner of the bouncy house and can’t get out and can’t. stop. laughing. but peeing your pants after a certain age could possibly be looked down upon.  I get that.

Others might be afraid that laughter is too silly for them.  They are serious Jesus people. It’s not proper.  They are too old for that kind of silliness.

Respectfully, I disagree.

I am super excited and grateful to be on the launch team for Jen Hatmaker’s new book, “For The Love”. I can’t say much about it because it’s not out until August and it’s TOP SECRET…but it has reminded me how laughter is so good for the soul. She is laugh out loud funny and also so in love with Jesus and spreading the Good News. She’s my people. And the other people on the launch team are my people too. We have a Facebook page for the group and let’s just say…hilarity ensues.  (See how lame that looks with the sad little period. Picture me doubled over in laughter and snorting.)

The other day I was getting a pedicure and I was reading her book and I was literally cry- laughing out loud. I kept pulling my foot out away and doubling over in my chair.  Then in the next minute or two I was weeping- crying soulful, straight from the heart tears. Literally, back and forth on the emotions. The laughing and crying just seemed to merge… into me, my life, what I feel, what I know to be be God’s love…it’s both.  It makes you laugh and cry.  There is no doubt everyone in the salon was worried about me.  Nobody said anything which means they were afraid of me. Just ignore her, they were thinking…she will be out of here soon.  Don’t. Rock. The. Boat. She. Is. Nuts.

My favorite image of Jesus is this one:


I pretend that He is laughing at my jokes.

It’s a card that I keep in my Bible.  On the back it says, “Smile, God Loves You.”

Because why wouldn’t we smile? The fact that He loves me is good, good news.  It’s great news! It’s the best news there is!

When we receive His gift of grace, when we feel His love and taste the freedom that comes from it…we find joy.

Joy is our birthright.

We don’t need to pretend to be pious and always dignified and serious and somber.

Of course, we don’t need to pretend to think something is funny, either.

No more pretending.

I love to laugh and sometimes I pee my pants doing it.



©2015 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big Yes™, All Rights Reserved

Author: Sue

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