Pinterest…are you interested?

I’m so excited!  I have discovered Pinterest! 

There is a red button on the right hand side of the blog if you want to check it out and follow me on Pinterest.  I suggest blocking off some time…I suggest HOURS…it’s that exciting!  Go ahead and take a sneak peek, it’s so much fun! 

Here’s an image I found:

And another:

You make bulletin boards with all the things you love on them.  You can have one for books, one for decorating, one for inspirational quotes, one for fashion, etc.  It’s creative! It’s fun!  It’s all your favorite things in one place.  I’m thinking it will help save me money on all those decorating magazines and books of quotes. 

I was thinking about this new “time waster” and wondering if God would approve.  You know the game, “What do you think God would think of this?” 

If God didn’t want Pinterest, (Facebook, Twitter) why would He give us all these creative geniuses that come up with these things!?  Plus, it helps me to dream, it’s inspiring!

Everything we have can be used for good.  TV can be good or it can be really bad!  Video games like Nintendo DS can be good.  Okay this one’s a stretch, give me a minute …Oh, I know! They can be good for the times when they occupy the kids so the mom doesn’t go ABSOLUTELY INSANE like in the waiting room or on long car rides.   However, not so good if your son is holed up with the DS all weekend.   Wii can be fun if you use it with friends or for Wii Fit or at least set a time limit.  Oh and it’s great that you can use it for Netflix too.  Netflix is of course, to be used sparingly.  This is fun, let’s continue.  Wine can be good…at weddings, fancy dinners, girl’s weekends, 5 o’clock on a Friday…but we all know it can also be bad when you drink too much of it.  Magazines can be lovely and informative or they can be Star or Us Weekly.  We could continue with everything in our lives including the Internet, chocolate, medicine, dieting, working, the list goes on.  You get the point.

Everything in moderation.

So, today I’m asking, how do I want to spend my time?  I mean, how do I want to spend the last couple hours of the day?  Have I had enough Pinterest for one night? 

And then I see this: 

So, that’s my prayer tonight.  “God, be my guide.  Even when (especially when?) I’m engaged in leisurely pursuits.  Help me to make good choices.  Choices that are pleasing to you and life affirming.  Help me to encourage others and always use my words to bring hope and peace and justice.  Help me to channel this creative energy that I have into positive things.  Please help us all (and our kids!) as we navigate this world of Facebook and Twitter and Pinterest and blogs and google.  We have no idea what else is in store for us.  Help us to be good stewards.  Thank you for the computer in the first place and for the time to actually engage in leisurely pursuits which we know is a luxury.  We are grateful.  Amen.”      P.S. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for creating the people who created Pinterest!

©2012 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big Yes™ All Rights Reserved

Author: Sue

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  • Thanks for always sharing your passions and leading others to new creative ways to explore life, love and faith! You are the best….

  • So true! I’ve been pinning for months and love it! It is very addictive but a wonderful way to save things you find and love and also to keep track of websites you go to for crafts and recipes, then you can go back to later. Kudos to the Pinterest creators!