Prayer in the Bathroom

I just saw the movie Eat, Pray, Love.  In this movie (I won’t ruin it or anything for those of you that haven’t seen it or read the book-is there anyone out there that hasn’t read the book?) the main character finds herself unhappy in her marriage.  We don’t get a lot of information about her marriage but there is a dramatic scene in which she asks God for a sign about what to do. 

This scene was very moving to me for many reasons.  I wish I knew exactly the words she uses but she is in her bathroom and it’s the middle of the night and she starts to pray.  She says, “Hello, God, nice to meet you.  I’m sorry I’ve never spoken directly to you before but I hope that I have showed sufficient gratitude for my many blessings.”  (or something to that effect)

What is worth noting here is that she acknowledges that she has never before prayed to God.  This is a woman in her 30’s or early 40’s. 

I was so moved by this scene because I could feel her fear and her desperation.  She was in distress.  Okay, so she had never prayed before.  Yet, in her extreme confusion and distress she turned to God.  She asked for His help. 

What this says to me is that even if we have never been taught about God, even if we don’t practice a faith, even if we have never prayed, we KNOW there is a God and we KNOW he can help us.  Isn’t this beautiful?

Not only that, she prayed to Him for a sign.  She believed that He could hear her and that He knows her personally-well enough to show her some guidance.  She felt alone and scared and confused but she KNEW she was not ALONE in the bigger sense of the word. 

Have you ever heard that line, “There are no atheists in foxholes?”  When we are hurting or fearful, we turn to God.  We show humility and we ask for help.  

At first, I felt  sad for her because I wished someone would have told her about God or taught her to pray but then I realized she was praying whether she had that guidance or not.  She did know God.  We all do.  Some of us just start talking to Him later in life.

Author: Sue

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  • Great point. Isn’t it also true that even when we are taught to pray and do know God, we are never more ardent in our prayers than when we are in great distress and need? Not that I wish I were more often in a dark place, but it does make the light that much brighter. Thanks for making me think!