
There but for the Grace of God go I.

– John Bradford

I was in Chicago recently.

I used to live there when I was in my 20s.

Now, in my 40s,  I see it in a whole new light.

I kept thinking of the quote above. I guess as we get older, we become more intimate with our mortality.  We are not as brave (or clueless) as we used to be. I have no doubt angels were looking out for me throughout my life but I kept them especially busy in my 20’s.

We were at the Vic for a concert.  I’ve been there many times for concerts and movies (Brew and View anyone?).  And now I want to say this: Thank you God for protecting me in the many crowded, dark places I frequented.  Thank you for getting me home safely.  I tested you.  I pushed my luck.  Thank you.

The bike riders were inches away from dying, cutting it close at every turn.  (Is this true or is it just my motherly perception?) Thank you God that I was never hit by a car or hit anyone with my car.

Sitting there at the Vic, an overwhelming feeling of gratitude engulfed me.

I see it as a mother now.  Where I saw opportunity, now I see risk.  Where I saw fun and action, now I see danger and the unknown.  Where I saw freedom and escape, now I see chaos and a lack of boundaries.

So with my gratitude, Lord, today I ask for the ability to see like I’m young again.  To recognize that the need I had to experience the city may one day visit my children.  I may be driving their stuff down in a U-Haul for them to room with 6 girls in a one “bedroom” which looks a lot like a closet.  Give me the courage and the strength to let them go.  Not only to let them go but to encourage them to experience the fun, the action, the freedom and the escape that the city offers.

You and your angels were strong enough to protect me.  I know you are not going anywhere.  I know you’ll be there when my kids are in their 20’s too… Right?

©2011 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big Yes™ All Rights Reserved
picture of The Vic Theatre from
picture of lincoln park street from

Author: Sue

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  • Very good, Sue. I want to share a couple Bible verses with you because they have always been a comfort to me when I’ve worried about my children and grandchildren. Psalm 34:7 says, “The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.”

    Psalm 91:11-12 says, “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.”

    Keep on keeping on.

  • I love the reflection on your perspective! It’s great to know how strong our youth (and us just a couple years back 😉 ) can be to “do it their way” despite parent worries, but being grateful for God’s protection will allow us to allow them to experience a full life!

  • I love this one, Sue! So many great memories derived from all the adventures of youth & young adulthood. As a parent now I am horrified to think back on them all. Can’t imagine “letting” my kids experience those situations. But also kind of hoping that they don’t stand off in the shadows in fear, because those crazy days & nights contributed so much to building ourselves as strong adults.

    Recently ee were driving a group of kids and 2 boys were one-upping each other with tales of their dads’ teenage exploits. Kellen looked so forlorn when he said “Wow, my parents are so boring. They never did that kind of stuff.” Teddy & I just laughed – apparently we’ve hidden our pasts well (perhaps because we now live 1000 miles from “home” where the stories are retold). But I hope they experience that spirit of adventure and fun while they’re young, before they get “old and boring” like us parents !

  • Isn’t our God amazing! His love protects us on the outside and the ‘inside’. The angels that we encounter is God’s reminder of that great love. Bless the angels in our lives.

  • Sue,
    I am thanking God and all of my angels now too. Cutting through Cabrini Green shaved a few minutes off of my nightly commute (and made my parents fill with worry). You are right we’ll be standing by cheering them onto their independence, just as our parents did for us.
    By the way, the bedroom was a closet, you had no closet and the kitchen pantry was where you hung your clothes! :0) Those were the days!!