
As you know, I’ve committed to reading the entire Bible during Lent.  This has proven to be quite a challenge.

However, I have decided I like the discipline of knowing that I’m committed to it even if it takes me using the “catch up day” to read a few days at once.

After I read Genesis I was thinking about the one word that popped out for me and it was “covenant”.

A covenant is an agreement or a contract between two parties.  I like to think of it as a promise.

I love this word.  It’s weighty and important and serious.  It’s a commitment.

Right after I was finished with my first few days of reading and I had written “covenant” in the margin of my schedule for Bible reading, I received this from my friend who is in Chile.


Can you even believe it?  That’s a real picture of something he saw in real life!! It’s not photoshopped!

God’s sign of the covenant with man is the rainbow!  Is this a coincidence that he sent this to me on this day?  No, No, No mister…that’s the Holy Spirit.  This covenant business is real.

He shows us signs all the time.

He showed me signs of His love when He sat me next to a woman who said she started praying when her child was sick and then “her whole life just became a prayer”.  How awesome is that?  I mean, her whole life became a prayer.

He showed signs of His love when He blessed our Flourish ministry with amazing women with open hearts and the willingness to be authentic and vulnerable. He’s in those hugs and laughs and “me too’s”.  He is in every brave woman who takes that next step even when it hurts and it’s hard and she’s not sure where she is going.

He showed me signs of His love when a friend reached out to encourage me, when she said, “I understand” and “I believe in you” and “I’m proud of you”.  He’s in that friend’s generosity of spirit and giving heart.

He’s in the sun that breaks through the clouds on a cold winter day just to remind us “this too shall pass”.

He’s in the phone ringing at just the right time and the hand reaching out before the fall and the kindness of strangers.

My friend Tina runs the BEDS program in our area.  BEDS provides meals and shelter for homeless men and women.  They also help with job interviews and resumes and getting people back to work so they can be self-sufficient.  One day I was asking my friend if she needed any clothes for men at BEDS and she called me back the next day asking, “Is there any chance you have anything in a size such and such?” And I looked and there it was…all the clothes I had were the perfect size for a man that was heading back to work the next week.  He needed clothes and we had the perfect size.  Coincidence?  I think not.  As my friend Tina said, “This is how God works”.

These miracles are happening all around us, every day.  God is fulfilling His promises and carrying out His plan in big and small ways.  He is faithful.

Once you realize this, life becomes an exciting adventure of “What miracles will happen today?”

Keep your eyes open.  You don’t want to miss the rainbows.

©2013 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big Yes™ All Rights Reserved
photo credit goes to Mike Blum who is currently climbing some mountain somewhere… chasing that pot of gold.

Author: Sue

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