School starts today

School starts today.  In my house, it’s a mixture of excitement and apprehension.  It’s a great day and a tough day.  It’s a transition day. 

I feel like saying a prayer for all of the people that are transitioning today…

For the students who will walk to school on a tree lined street in an affluent suburb.  They will be with parents and friends and will have a new backpack and a new “back to school” outfit. 

For the students who will wait for a bus alone on a city street in an unsafe neighborhood.  They don’t know what to expect and they are afraid.

For the students who are growing and they feel awkward.  They don’t know where they fit in. 

For the children with learning disabilities who are nervous about the tests and the reading and the writing they will be required to complete this year.

For the children with special needs and their teachers and their aides and their parents.

For the students who are  “leaders” who may be facing tremendous social and academic pressures. 

For the teachers, who will nurture and teach all of these different students.  May they see unlimited possibilities for greatness in all children.  Help them to nurture that greatness even when they are tired and frustrated.

For the administrators and for the school nurses and the secretaries and the janitors and all of the people who make our schools work.  Give them a sense knowing they are valuable and appreciated. 

For the parents…Lord, please ease their worry and give them peace.  The peace of knowing that no child is alone, that you are watching over all of these kids.  That they are your precious children too.  That what they feel and what they learn and how they grow matters to you.  For the parents (can you tell I really need this one!?) -I humbly ask for your guidance and protection.

Help us nurture ENTHUSIASM in our children.  Help us be examples to them so they can look at this new school year (and at all new beginnings) as opportunities for growth and fun and success. 

If you can give your child only one gift, let it be enthusiasm.                   

                                                   -Bruce Barton


Author: Sue

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  • As I was searching through documents to better understand how we teach our kids about faith I found this line and thought of “a great big yes”:
    “It is true that being a Christian means saying “yes” to Jesus Christ, but let us remember that this “yes” has two levels: It consists in surrendering to the word of God and relying on it, but it also means, at a later stage, endeavoring to know better – and better the profound meaning of this word.” from CATECHESI TRADENDAE
    Thanks for showing us how to pray and reminding us of the importance of prayer in our lives. Let’s all do one thing this week to help our kids learn to pray so that when they grow up they will know how to hear God’s voice.

  • Praying with you for the children, and all their special needs.
    For the parents, teachers and staffs everywhere.
    I know HE cares and hears our prayers.
    Thanks for encouraging us with your enthusiasm.
    So much of my enthusiasm comes from yours.

  • Sus- Often I think Mom’s that are blessed to have kids that have special learning needs or challenges have a special eye into what you shared above. I often wonder and think about- God blessed me with two children, that have different learning styles. If I was not blessed with one that has to work super hard and sometimes in a different way to achieve success- would I see all the others around? Would I pray for all around? Sometimes life’s challanges allow us to see beauty in areas we would not have before. I think that god has many angels working each day in our schools. Some we see today, and some we won’t see till our kids are grown and mature. Thanks for sharing…