Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: Beauty

  • Can Christians Get Botox?

    Can Christians Get Botox?

    Oh friends. I come before you repentant. I have gone under the needle and now I have a black eye.  Before I went in to ask my dermatologist to turn back the clock, I had this feeling. Hmmm I thought, maybe I shouldn’t do this. I joked with him, “I…

  • Podcast 30: Jane Reed Henson I’m so excited to introduce you to my friend Jane! Jane Reed Henson is an artist, author and photographer who loves life and really loves Jesus. She delights in sharing her journey of spiritual healing through different aspects of art and writing. Her concept that living painterly, embracing the…

  • Airbrush my heart

    One time someone asked me, “What color is your hair, really?” After my initial cringe, I answered truthfully, “I have no idea”. My real hair color is buried beneath years and layers of fake color. I went through periods of time where I really believed that you could never be…