Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: breath

  • Trying a new thing – Great Big YES video!

    Okay friends, bear with me…I just made a video.  I had something I wanted to “say” and I wasn’t sure I could write it down.  I wanted to just say it.  It has me thinking about the art of writing and the art of speaking and why sometimes speaking to…

  • Save the Date! Mark Your Calender! Say “YES”!

     Or just click button below to reserve your space now! Okay, so it’s almost January and everyone is going to start thinking about making New Year’s Resolutions.  The problem with these resolutions is that usually they involve starting new habits in order to CHANGE ourselves.  I’d like to offer a…

  • Fight or Flight… or Faith?

    In November of 1994, I was held up at gunpoint. I lived in the city.  I was walking alone at night and a man came up with a gun and said “give me your bag”.  I gave him my bag and then I ran as fast as I could. It…