Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: college drop off

  • Empty Nesting – How did we get here?

    Empty Nesting – How did we get here?

    Well. Miracles do happen. My husband, Jeff, is my guest this week on the podcast. It’s so fun! We are processing what it means to be empty nesters. We talk about the things we think we did well as parents, some “dad phrases” he uses, and some words of advice.…

  • Today…I can fold his shirts.

    Today…I can fold his shirts.

    I’ve spent today washing, ironing and folding his shirts. Normally, this is a task I don’t love and frankly, don’t do very often. He has done his own laundry for a long time now.  But tomorrow, he goes to college. I want him to have clean shirts and I want…

  • Letter to My Daughter at College Drop Off

    Letter to My Daughter at College Drop Off

    Well, it’s here. It’s time. You are ready. But am I? From day one, you have been my sidekick. My laughing buddy. My dreamer, talker, sharer. You have let me walk with you. You have held my hand and let me hold yours. You have listened to my heart. Heck,…