Sue Bidstrup / Great Big YES!

Encouraging Women to Live Faithful, Bold, Abundant Lives!

Tag: hope

  • What Have We Learned? 20 + Years of Parenting and Friendship!

    What Have We Learned? 20 + Years of Parenting and Friendship!

    Hey there! Okay, I know many of you are feeling overwhelmed by parenting and marriage and trying to keep it all together! While I talk to you about your new endeavors and your passion projects and businesses, you also want to talk about your kids. Of course! You want to…

  • Major Unleashing!!

    Major Unleashing!!

      As I write this my heart is racing. Literally. I’m so excited! I just can’t hide it! I feel like I’m going to jump out of my skin. Or maybe I’m feeling the unleashing that’s coming. Don’t worry,  I know I’m not a dog, duh. And I haven’t literally…

  • Podcast 23: Greg Hoyte-Immigration, Violence and Grace: An American Story I am so honored to post this podcast! Listen in as Greg Hoyte shares his story with us.  (Greg is next to his sister in the above picture.) You will be fascinated by Greg’s story. He shares his journey from his childhood in Guyana, South America to Brooklyn, New York.…