The Elephant in the Room…or is it a Donkey?

I have sat down to write something at least four different times today and I just keep hesitating.  There are many things I could write about but there is one thing on my mind.  The election.

Ugh.  Writing about the election is not what I want to do.  But how can I not?  The news and political shows are constantly on in my house.  The other day I was watching The McLaughlin Group.  It’s surreal to watch the McLaughlin Group now – my mom and dad always watched and the same people are on there!   They are still bright and witty and informed and argumentative, just much more wrinkly.  I was thinking, “Wow, these people have aged!” as if I haven’t.  I happened to watch it not in HD the other day and the show seemed like a relic from a bygone era.  Anyway, my point is, politics are not something I avoid.  I pay attention.  I’m interested.  Dare I say I actually enjoy election season?

I don’t enjoy the rudeness and the hateful attacks.  I asked my husband the other day, “Has it always been this bad?  It seems so mean spirited.”  And then I remembered taking the kids to the Lincoln museum in Springfield, Illinois and being amazed at the headlines from back in the day.  Politics have always been polarizing.  They have always involved name calling and personal attacks.  It’s sad but true.

My mom used to tell me, “The only thing new is the history you haven’t read.”

I’d like to say I’m above getting emotional about politics but I’m not.  I get mad.  I get frustrated.  I get anxious and worried.  I get annoyed.  I want to be even keeled and always kind and understanding of all sides but I’m not.  A friend told me something that makes me think…she said, “A strong negative reaction to other people is a lack of faith”.  Hmmm…I’ve been feeling a lot of strong, negative reactions with regards to the election.  Is this a faith crisis?

The other day I was getting extremely worked up and my friend posted this on facebook.  Just in time to save me from myself and my twitchy finger poised to make a defensive comment.


Here’s my prayer tonight.  “Lord…I’m asking you to take away this feeling of anxiety and fear…is it fear, Lord?  Replace it with love.  Give me the gift of patience and understanding and faith.  Help me to be slow to anger and thoughtful with words.  Help me to build up, not tear down.  Give me strength and courage to promote ideas and optimism.  Help me to look at arguments or disagreements as opportunities to share grace and understanding.  This is tough Lord and this prayer is going long because I’m not sure I can do it.  I need some extra help to not get emotional and to not take things personally.  Only you know the master plan.  Only you know the future and you hold mine and I trust you.  Fill me up Lord with love and peace and light.  This country is the best place on earth to live Lord – we are so blessed.   Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you…Amen.”

This is serious stuff.  But we also need to laugh.  This one made me laugh.

It’s funny because it’s true.  We are human and  we have opinions and we get irritated and we want to be right.  But when it all boils down to it, we are brothers and sisters.  We are all loved by God.  Democrat or Republican or Independent or Tea Party…all loved…today, tomorrow and forever, regardless of who is in the White House.

©2012 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big Yes™ All Rights Reserved
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Author: Sue

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  • You hit the nail on the head, Sue! I have thought many of the same things and wondered how people who I respect in other ways could support the person they are. Makes no sense to me. However, you are right that we are all loved and God is in charge of all things. Namaste!

    How great is that? Praying we hear God’s voice somewhere in the Debate tonight.
    Thanks Sue we all need to be reminded WHO is in control.
    From your mom who God loves as much as He loves you.

  • I just love this Sue! It is so easy to forget as the yard signs go up and the attack ads continue I feel the need to speak my peace. Many times I am simply talking back to the TV! Our neighbors put out their vintage Kerry/Edwards sign to lighten up the mood…and it was stolen. Colorado is a swing state, the ads don’t let up.
    Enjoy your week.