The “I am Amazing” List

It’s time for a new podcast! This one is all about making a list. Not a to-do list but a “have done” list. Not a future list, but a past list. This list will help you remember that you are fully capable of accomplishing your goals. You are able to do whatever you set your mind to! You have done so much already!

I explain it all in the episode. So grab your paper and pen and carve out some time to remember how amazing you are!

Feel free to share with me here in the comments or over on instagram @greatbigyes. I want to celebrate with you! You are amazing! And make sure you subscribe to the email list so you can receive encouragement and support to keep saying “YES”!

Let’s end the year on a high note. Embrace your power and strength and survivor skills. Embrace how far you have come!

Merry Christmas! Wishing you and your family unlimited blessings!

Author: Sue

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