The Puzzle

In the world to come I shall not be asked, “Why were you not Moses?” I shall be asked,
“Why were you not Zusya?”
-Rabbi Zusya

I must be the best Sue I can be. 

You must be the best YOU can be.

We are not the same.  We are not in a competition.  In fact, you are not in competition with anyone.  You are trying to be the best you and everyone is on your side. When I say everyone, I mean all people, the Universe, God…everyone. 

It doesn’t always feel that way, huh? 

The Bible tells us:

If God is for us, who can be against us?  – Romans 8:31

Even if we know that God is on our side and believe it in our hearts, we may have a more difficult time feeling that all people are on our side.  Why is this?  Have we seen otherwise?  Have we felt others competitive spirits?  Have we ourselves experienced moments of jealousy and envy and feelings of inadequacy? How can we change this?

We must, if we long to see a better world, encourage and uplift each other.  We must demand the best from each other and when we see our friends slipping into self doubt, we must remind them of their gifts.  I am indebted to the people who have done that for me. 

So, how to be the best we can be?  Help each other.  Compliment each other.  Search for the gifts of our friends and tell them.  Encourage our friends to shoot for the moon, to go for it, to be all they can be.  Not in the way of putting more pressure on them to achieve more but allowing them to become more of who they are.  Listen to our friends and family members, listen to their words so we can understand their hearts and then honor them.  Each person is a flower and we as friends and co-workers and earth sharers, can be the sunshine and nourishment they need. 

We should look at life as a puzzle.  We are a piece and each person is another piece.  God is the puzzle maker and He wants us to find a way to put it all together but some of the pieces are not formed yet.  We take on our pre destined shape when we grow into who we are meant to be.  When that happens, the puzzle can be completed.  We can know comfort, peace, joy.  Looking at it that way, we are all a team.  We have to encourage each other to grow into our complete selves so we can all live in harmony.  It’s not all about me or you.  It’s about US. 

We change, we grow, we strive, we learn, we connect and then hopefully, we settle into who we were meant to be.  We become ourselves.  When we are trying to make ourselves fit into a space that isn’t ours, it doesn’t work.  Just like when we are completing a puzzle, we can’t “make” the pieces fit.  When we find ourselves, we have that feeling of recognition.  We are comfortable, it feels right.  We fit.  It is then we can step back and look at the big picture and appreciate how it all works together.  All the different, unique pieces working together to make one amazing image.  Isn’t it beautiful?

Author: Sue

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  • What a beautiful message to begin the new year! I appreciate your gifts as you become the best Sue you can be.. Thank you