Time to get cozy!

I love this season.

I get excited for jeans and scarves and sweaters and football and chili.

However, I also get a little spazzy.  Because to enjoy those things, I MUST clean out all the closets, organize everything, buy new clothes and possibly new furniture.  I tend to rearrange, clean, and rip out hundreds of pictures from magazines of what I want my cozy home to look like. It always happens this time of year.

I did do one awesome thing in my house this summer.  I made myself an office.  Here it is:


I already had everything I needed, I just had to put them together and paint the room pink. Actually there are two new things in the picture.  One, the chair from TJMaxx and two, the new Apple computer from heaven.  Seriously, miracles happen when you turn it on.

I’ve decided the rest of my house looks like crap and must be changed immediately.  I’m starting with this.


I don’t even know what to say.

I hate it.

But I need the storage and my room is the size of Texas so we need some heft in there.  You know what I mean? I need big pieces to balance out the cavernous space.  However, I have another armoire in there too so now it’s just like an armoire store except I don’t think anyone would buy them.

Those of you who know me can tell what’s coming next.  I’m painting it.  Damn straight.

If my husband is reading this right now, he is in a full body sweat and steam is coming out of his ears.

Remember the pink office?  Well, I kinda sorta started that with a lot of enthusiasm and then I lost steam.  I started listening to music and looking for ideas for the next project when the walls were half painted and the ceiling had pink splats on it.  So, being the kind, loving, generous and very handy husband he is…he finished it for me.  There was only a little huffing and puffing.

I promise not to get tired halfway through on this project.  I will commit to finishing.  Unless I start thinking about the family room.  We really need some new furniture in there…

On another note, I’m linking up to my friend’s blog today.  Susan is my Holy Yoga Sister and roommate from our instructor retreat.  I love her.  Also, I think her whole farm lifestyle is really cool and I’m encouraging her to build a barn for us to have yoga parties/retreats in.  Of course, we will need to hang chandeliers and paint it and have lots of cozy stuff in there.  I’ll start gathering ideas on Pinterest.  Oh wait, I’ve already done that.

Her link party has to do with music which of course I love!!  She is asking us to share music that is feeding our souls right now.  What is totally amazing but not really very surprising, is that the song she shared is by the same person who sings the song I’m sharing!  LOVE HIM! This is my favorite song that I play in Holy Yoga.  I also like to listen to it when I want to be totally inspired.

Listen here, enjoy, and check out Susan’s blog!   http://www.avintagefarmwife.blogspot.com

©2013 Sue Bidstrup, Great Big YES™ All Rights Reserved

Author: Sue

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  • Sue thanks for doing such a fantastic job of feeding our souls with every blog you post. I loved Josh Garrels, and I loved hearing his other song on your friend’s blog. In one of my classes right now we are studying Baptism (I mean, REALLY in depth – like I have never heard some of this stuff before) and both of his songs touched me with lyrics and lines that touch on that. It was like God speaking directly to me. I love it when that happens! And all because of you – taking the time to share your thoughts, whims, loves, and faith with us on your blog. By the way, I actually kind of like the armoire. It is big, beautiful, and very distinctive – one of a kind. Kind of like all of us. Love you!

  • Oh Sue, I am so proud to have “Sue as a roommate” in my personal history. This is sooooo you! I spent the morning admiring my neighbor’s clothes closet project and the afternoon scouring TJ Maxx, Ikea and the Rack for all the “right stuff” to comb through and clean out my own. It is inspiring for sure and has a lot to do with FAll and even more to do with the 6 hours of a quiet house while the kids are at school!! Love it, Love you!

  • So you know I’m just sitting here laughing myself silly right?????!!!!!!!!! I love your writing and look forward to seeing your blog posts. And this one of course did not disappoint. I am laughing but I am also feeling SO blessed because I know the person behind the blog. And when I read your words I know your heart. And that makes me feel so grateful because you are a pretty special person. 🙂 So back to the laughter. Your office is super adorable and I love it. I’m also picturing it with the pink paint splattered here and there!!! I love that. LOVE it for so many reasons but mainly because you relaxed and let the paint lay where it may while you got distracted with other things. THAT is growth my dear. Contrary to what your husband might have thought the BIG picture in that is just wonderful. And I am so proud of you. Oh and and one last thing – I would like to say a Great Big Yes to your idea about Susan’s barn! YES YES YES! I think we should have a retreat reunion in her barn! I love you both and miss you both so sign me up! 🙂 ENJOY your day my friend.

  • Your husband might have steam coming out of his ears about the paint but I know he smiled when you properly used the word “crap” in your blog.

  • Oh my gosh! I have the biggest smile on my face right now-to think we both have songs by the same artist! Love you girlfriend!

    I feel your armoire pain. I bought a very expensive dining room outfit a few years ago and totally justified it to Brad that is was going to be a family heirloom and I would want to pass it down to our kids, blah, blah, blah. I am itching to paint it, too! But I think he would strangle me if I did! Love your office!

    Adding your song to my Itunes want list right now! YooHoo!